Quick start with GUI¶
You have three places with you files:
Home descktop - with original files.
Flashdrive - with copies.
Work descktop - with copies.
You wish have identical copies of files in all places. Also you flashdrive will be save this files as backup copy. Also you wish easy synchronize you copies after editing files.
In home descktop you keep original files in different directories:
- any documents.
- file which you edit often (evry day for example).
- directory with downloaded news (you download news and read they then you have free time).
We will have 2 points of synchronization:
Home desktop and flash drive. Bag will be on the flashdrive. Origin files will be on home desktop.
Flashdrive and work desktop. Bag will be on the work desktop. Origin files on the flashdrive.
Now start use of PYBAG.
Create bag directory in flash drive: /flash/bag/
Copy to this directory file “pybag.py”:
Run PYBAG in flashdrive:
python /flash/bag/pybag.py
You will be asked about initialization current location (/flash/bag/
![[Ask for initialization PYBAG]](_images/pybag_init.png)
Answer Yes, and PYBAG will be started. Now we synchronize flashdrive with desktop.
![[Main window of PYBAG]](_images/pybag_main-0.5.0.png)
In main window turn off emulation mode by unchecking Emulation checkbox. In main menu select for adding root - you directories and files which you want synchronize.
![[Add root to PYBAG]](_images/pybag_add1.png)
In box Select path type chek Directory. Enter or select
throw button … first path /home/user/docs1
, skip other options
by default and press button Add root.
Same add file /home/user/memo.txt
only in path type select File or symlink.
Add third root directory /home/user/news
In toolbar press Compare files button
Files will be readed and compared with bag.
This is first synchronization and all files will be marked as copied to bag.
You can view files list and its action in main window.
For synchronization press Synchronize files button
If no errors then you can see empty files list.
Press filter button Filter OK synchronization
and see files which will be synchronized.
Now in bag contains you files:
............................ ... any files
............................ ... any files
............................ ... any files
............................ ... any files
You flash drive now is full synchronized with you home descktop.
You go work and create into work descktop bag which will be synchronized with you flash drive.
Create bag into work desktop:
Run PYBAG in flashdrive:
python /flash/bag/pybag.py
And distribute PYBAG and roots and it’s settings from flashdrive bag to work desktop: turn off emulation mode by unchecking Emulation checkbox and choose menu and in shown dialog select Initialize.
![[Distribute PYBAG]](_images/pybag_dist1.png)
After you see window with list of roots, select all and press OK.
![[Distribute PYBAG, select roots]](_images/pybag_dist2.png)
You PYBAG and roots preferences will be copied to /work/user/bag
Distribute need only once. In next times need only synchronization.
Run PYBAG in work desktop:
python /work/user/bag/pybag.py
You will see main window of PYBAG.
Now you must synchronize new bag in work with flash bag.
In main window turn off emulation mode by unchecking Emulation checkbox.
In toolbar press Compare files button
Files will be readed and compared with bag. All files will be marked as copied to bag.
You can view files list and its action in main window.
For synchronization press Synchronize files button
If no errors then you can see empty files list.
Press filter button Filter OK synchronization
and see files which will be synchronized.
Now you can work with you files in work descktop.
Befor you go home you must synchronize bag.
Start PYBAG in work, turn off emulation mode by unchecking
Emulation checkbox, in toolbar press Compare files button
In files list will be shown changed, deleted or new files.
For synchronization press Synchronize files button
Go home and run PYBAG in flashdrive - synchronize you files.
All changes will be writen to home descktop.