PYBAG graphic user interface¶
Program in grafical interface will be work only from initialized folder. If you run program from not initialized location you will be asked for initialization. In itialization process created needed for work files and folders.
![[Ask for initialization PYBAG]](_images/pybag_init.png)
Main window¶
In this window you do all operation. You can select commands from menu or use toolbar for several commands. Toolbar have compare and synchronize button, filters and buttons for forced action. In main window you can adjust all needed for synchronization settings. In files list displayed all compared items and actions and results for it. In output window you can see text information about process and results. You can hide or show output window from checking menu
, and clear output window . If you dooble click on splitter for output window then output will be hided. In files list you can use context menu for do any action on items or change columns. Dooble click on item will show item properties dialog.Available settings in main window
- Select roots for synchronization
Here you can select roots which you want synchronize. By default selected all roots. See also menu Roots.
- Auto Conflict
Set rules for auto conflict resolving.
- Verbosity
Set verbosity level for output information into output window.
- No output. Only log file.0
- Only global errors.1
- Very small output, only about success and errors.2
- As1
and conflicts.3
- Normal output. Common information and errors, conflicts, warnings.4
- Large output. As3
and file operation.5
- Huge output. As4
and logging.
- Emulation
Turn on/off emulation mode. If emulation on then no changes will be made in files, no configuration save.
- Logging
Turn on/off logging into
file.- Debug logging
Turn on/off debug logging.
- Modify date delta
Set modification time delta (difference) used in comparison. If modification time difference in files less then this value then files is deside equal.
- Backup full synch
Use for backup roots full synchronization mode. In this mode buckup roots will be full synchronized (in standart mode readed only files in origin and changes and new copied to bag).
- Time shift
Show time shift settings: direction (Bag, Origin, None) and shift times values in seconds for bag “b:0.0” and for origin “o:0.0”.
- List path filter ( … )
In this field you can enter filter for files list. Filter will be applied to Path column. You can use wildcards ( “*” - mean any amount any symbols, “?” - mean one any symbol) or regular expression (must starts from exlamination “!”). Filter appleing after pressing ENTER key or button Refresh list.
![[Main window]](_images/pybag_main-0.5.0.png)
Compare files. If need files will be automatic readed. |
Synchronize files. If need files will be automatic readed and compared. Command –sync. |
Filter. Show items after synchronization with no errors. |
Filter. Show items with warnings. |
Filter. Show items with conflicts. |
Filter. Show items with errors. |
Filter. Show items which will be copied to bag. |
Filter. Show items which will be copied to origin. |
Filter. Show new items. |
Filter. Show changed items. |
Filter. Show items marked to delete. |
Filter. Show ignored items. |
Filter. Show unchanged items. |
Filter. Show items with forced action. |
Filter. Show files. |
Filter. Show directories. |
Filter. Show symlinks. |
Filter. Show unknown items. |
Filter. Show items for which time shift operation performed. |
Force comparison result - mark file as unchanged. Operation aplied to selected files. |
Force comparison result - mark file to topy into bag. If file is absent in origin, then will be marked as unchanged. Operation aplied to selected files. |
Force comparison result - mark file to copy into original.If file is absent in bag, then will be marked as unchanged. Operation aplied to selected files. |
Force comparison result - mark file for removing. File wiil be deleted in bag and origin. Operation aplied to selected files. |
Restore comparison results - if file will be marked/forced manualy then action reset back. Operation aplied to selected files. |
Auto Conflict |
Select rules for auto conflict resolve. |
Verbosity |
Select verbosity level. Option -v. |
Emulation |
Turn on / off emulation mode. Option -m. |
Logging |
Turn on / off logging. Option -l. |
Debug logging |
Turn on / off debug logging. Option -t. |
Modify date delta |
Set modification time delta, when comparing files if its time delta less then modify delta then files times assign as equal. |
Backup mode synchronize |
For backup roots use mode with full synchronization. |
Files list¶
Files list display information about items, it’s state and actions. List filled after comparison and synchronization. Displayed information may be filtered. For filter list you can use toolbar or menu Filter. In file list you can select any columns for display. For adjust columns use context menu by clicking right mouse button on column header or menu To left or To right. Context menu command Reset to config will reset you columns settings to settings in configuration file (this settings changed in menu).
. In context menu you can show/hide any column and move clicked columnBy click right button on visible item you can choose action under selected item:
Force to bag
Force to origin
Force delete
Force unchanged
Restore default action
Item properties
Available columns.
Column heading |
Column description |
Column name in configuration file |
Error |
Item errors mark (e - error, c - conflict, w - warning). |
err |
State |
Item state icon. |
stateicon |
Action |
Item action icon. |
actionicon |
Path |
Item path in bag. |
path |
Description |
Description. |
desc |
Direction |
dir |
Forced |
Forced state (! - item action is forced). |
forced |
Type |
type |
Size DB |
Item size in DB, bytes. |
sizedb |
CRC32 DB |
Item CRC32 sum in DB. |
crc32db |
Symlink DB |
Symlink in DB. |
symlinkdb |
MDate DB |
Item date in DB, float. |
mdatedb |
GMT Date DB |
Item date in DB, GMT. |
gmdatedb |
Local Date DB |
Item date in DB, Local. |
lmdatedb |
Size bag |
Item size in bag, bytes. |
sizebag |
CRC32 bag |
Item CRC32 sum in bag. |
crc32bag |
Symlink bag |
Symlink in bag. |
symlinkbag |
MDate bag |
Item date in bag, float. |
mdatebag |
GMT Date bag |
Item date in bag, GMT. |
gmdatebag |
Local Date bag |
Item date in bag, Local. |
lmdatebag |
Size origin |
Item size in origin, bytes. |
sizeorigin |
CRC32 origin |
Item CRC32 sum in origin. |
crc32origin |
Symlink origin |
Symlink in origin. |
symlinkorigin |
MDate origin |
Item date in origin, float. |
mdateorigin |
GMT Date origin |
Item date in origin, GMT. |
gmdateorigin |
Local Date origin |
Item date in origin, Local. |
lmdateorigin |
TS |
timeshift |
State icon
Show information about item type and errors.
Item is a file. |
Item is a directory. |
Item is a symlink. |
Item is unknown type. |
This icon mean that PYBAG do know which icon use (this is no good, write about this situation to author). |
Items after synchronization - all OK. |
Items have warnings. Items will be synchronized (but you may want see warning). |
Items with conflicts. Shown only unresolved conflicts. Items will not synchronize without specifieing manual action. Details about conflicts see in description column and more detiles in log window. |
Item with errors. Will be not synchronized. Details about errors see in description column and more detiles in log window. |
Action icon
Show information about needed action after comparing or about synchronization result.
Item changed and will be copied to bag. |
Item changed and will be copied to origin. |
New item in origin, will be copied to bag. |
New item in bag, will be copied to origin. |
Item will be deleted. |
Item unchanged. No action. |
Item unchanged. Time shift to bag - set in bag modification date same as in origin. |
Item unchanged. Time shift to origin - set in origin modification date same as in bag. |
This box around other icons mean that item action is forced (manual or with automatic conflict resolution). |
This mean that synchronization with no errors. |
Synchronization with errors. |
This mean that program can’t select icon, see item description for details about item action. |
Preferences dialog.¶
In preferences dialog you can change PYBAG settings.
Dialog have three tabs:
Global preferences
Roots preferences
Columns preferences
For realy change settings - emulation mode must be turn off. If emulation is on then changes will not be saved any way. All changes in settings saves only when you press OK button. If you press Cancel when all changes will be discarded.
Global preferences
Here you can change default parameters which used when program start.
![[Global settings]](_images/pybag_pref1-0.5.0.png)
Roots preferences
Here you change preferences for roots. Select needed root and adjust its settings.
![[Roots settings]](_images/pybag_pref2-0.5.0.png)
Columns preferences
In preferences displayed columns settings saved in configuration file. You may change columns order, show/hide its and change columns width.
You can:
Reset changes back to preferences by pressing From config buttom.
Reset settings to default - which defined in program and displeyed at first start, by pressing Reset to default.
Get settings from main program window - Get current.
If you check Save columns changes when exit from PYBAG then all columns changes in main window will be auto saved in configuration file when program exit (emulation mode must be turn off, otherwise changes will not save).
When you change column visibility or width then you must press Apply button. After changes and saving preferences, columns changes not displayed in pogram, they saved to configuration file. To apply changes to main window you can press right mouse button on column headers and in context menu select Reset to config.
![[Columns settings]](_images/pybag_pref3.png)
Add root dialogs¶
For adding new root you must first select path type. This may be directory or file/symlink. After select path type adjust root properties. In next press … button for select path (or you an enter it manualy). Press Add root button. In output in main window you can read information about success. For real root adding emulation mode must be turned off.
![[Add root]](_images/pybag_add1.png)
Remove root dialog¶
Select roots which you can delete and press OK button. Then root deleted all files for this root in bag will be removed too. For real root deleteng emulation mode must be turned off.
![[Remove roots]](_images/pybag_del1.png)
Distribute dialog¶
Distribute PYBAG to specified location. Have several variants for distribution. In all variants PYBAG program file will be copied to destination. In first you must select what you want:
- Initialize
Only initialize destination - create needed files and folders.
- Copy additional files
Copy all files (exclude specific for PYBAG - configuration, bag files and database) founded in current location to destination.
- Initialize and copy files
As two previous types together.
In next step select roots which you can distribute to destination. Select nothing if you do not want distribute roots. And press OK. About success you can read in output window.
If you distribute PYBAG with roots in already existing folder with other PYBAG then will be overriden only program file. Roots will be added to already existing in destination. But distributed roots must not be in destination, otherwise its will be skiped.
Select type of distribution.
![[Distribute - select destination]](_images/pybag_dist1.png)
Distribute - select roots.
![[Distribute - select roots]](_images/pybag_dist1.png)
Relocate dialog¶
Relocate - change location of origin files. If you move origin files to other place then you can use relocate for select for existing roots new location of origin files. In shown dialog select root and after press OK button select path where you place origin files.
Properties dialog¶
This dialog show detailed information about selected item. Shown information reade from bag, origin and PYBAG database.
![[Properties dialog]](_images/pybag_properties1.png)
Statistic dialog¶
In this dialog you can see statistics information for each root separately and summary statistics for all roots.
![[Statistic dialog]](_images/pybag_stat1.png)